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"Key Takeaways from the April 23, 2024 Neighborhood Association Meeting"

CPNA Minutes for April 23, 2024


I. Call to order by Jason at 6:32 pm


II. Updates & Consent Agenda

a.    Minutes - These are the comments that were made regarding the minutes submitted: We need to get into the habit of taking our garbage cans back to the house.  We are used to leaving them out by the alley but the service had to be moved to the front due to issues with the garbage truck taking down power lines.  There are still issues with the garbage cans being left in the street or in the driveway instead of back on the grass.   Approved as submitted. 

b.    Treasurer’s report - Bank account has 306.38 in checking.  Community foundation account has 564.20.  It was noted that Sondra paid her dues sometime last year. 

c.    President’s report -.We are recording the meeting to try to get a digital appearance in the neighborhood.  We were hoping to have Dana Ray present to talk about the raised bed gardens; however she was unable to attend.  Things are moving/working with the Jasper Street/Great Neighborhood Group but Jason doesn’t know when the next meeting is.  Jason still needs to get a hold of the neighborhood standards guy about the items discussed in the minutes.  Officer Tool will be here next month; he had a conflict this month.  Jason noted that school ends at the end of May so there might be a crime uptick.  There was discussion of our clean ups and the activities we have done in the past.  No more info about National night out since Leann was not present.  New/Old City manager is returning to Decatur.  There are more “new” names on Next Door. 


III. Unfinished Business

a.    Clean up is 4 times a year - it was proposed to start in June due to Jason’s schedule and graduation parties.  Possible dates are June 8 or June 22.  We are part of Beautify Decatur and we can solicit with them to have volunteers. 

b.    There was talk to set up sometime next year a neighborhood thing with Temple 3, Life Changers, and Prairie Avenue Christian Church.  It is too late to do it for this year but we should start planning soon.  Jason will contact them to get a meeting to start discussing. 

c.    There was talk about doing a party in July for Clokey’s Birthday…….

d.    Jason wants to find out the status of tree plantings along East Prairie and East Main.  There have been many trees cut down or are too old.  If there is not a tree plan with the City of Decatur then we need to get on their radar to plant more trees. 


IV.  New Business



V. Calendar/Announcement

a.    May 28th at 6:30 is the next meeting. Updates and Decatur Police Officer Tool will be here. 


VI.  Meeting adjourned at  7:09 pm.  Motion by Dixie….passed. 


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