CPNA Minutes for February 2022
I. Call to order by President Jason Butterick at 6:35
II. Updates & Consent Agenda
Minutes - Stand approved as presented
Treasurers’ Report - no changes in accounts since the last meeting.
III. Program -
IV. Old Business -
Jason reached out to Beautify Decatur about the litter problem at 22nd and Prairie. Beautify Decatur said thank you for the suggestion and they would be in support of the project. However, it would have to be partnered with the City of Decatur.
We have a few t-shirts with the older logo Large, X-Large, and XX-Large.
New logos for street sign toppers will be shared with the City of Decatur for eventual installation.
A couple of new neighbors have signed up under the NextDoor App and were encouraged to join the meetings.
All Clokey Park Next Door Members are encouraged to contact nearby neighbors about upcoming meetings and events.
V. New Business
New logo shirt pricing will be looked into.
CONO is developing its priorities for the coming year. President Butterick shared CONO’s February notes encouraging neighbors to rank the quality of life issues from most important to least important.
The list of issues will be posted on Next Door for those members to rank from 1 to 14
We need to be better at selling our positives about the neighborhood.
VI. Calendar/Announcements
The next neighborhood meeting is on March 24th at 6:30
First Cleanup April 30th
VII. Adjournment
We adjourned at 7:04 pm.
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